Supporting Latin American and Caribbean Digital Humanities through Cross-Institutional Collaborations

For this poster, the presenters will discuss how they have provided support for Latin American and Caribbean Digital Humanities through cross-institutional collaborations at both regional and international levels in two ways: 1) an international, annual symposium and 2) a webinar series. The organizers of these events represent three universities (two in Florida and one in Ecuador) as well as a statewide digital humanities organization, the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH), and an international organization, the Alliance for Digital Research on Early Latin America (ADRELA). Together, they hosted an inaugural, bilingual Latin American and Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium at the University of Florida in Spring 2023 as well as a bilingual webinar series that ran in Summer and Fall 2023. While the first in-person symposium focused on building relationships among scholars, students, and the general public in Florida and the Southeast, the subsequent webinar series broadened participation throughout the United States, Latin America, and elsewhere. The organizing committee are planning for a second annual symposium that will take place in July 2024 Quito, Ecuador and will follow a hybrid, bilingual format. This poster will present more information on the symposia and webinar series, an analysis of all three events including lessons learned, and next steps moving forward.

Melissa Jerome (, University of Florida, United States of America and Hélène Huet (, University of Florida, United States of America and Sarah Tew (, University of Florida, United States of America