Beyond Binary: Navigating Identity, Power, and Representation in the Digital Age
Chair: Charlesworth, Ellen

Do you care about my gender? The long and winding road to data justice in Wikidata’s representation of gender

Metilli, Daniele (1); Melis, Beatrice (2,3); Fioravanti, Marta (4); Paolini, Chiara (5)

1: University College London, UK; 2: University of Pisa, Italy; 3: Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy; 4:, UK; 5: KU Leuven, Belgium


We present the main results of the Wikidata Gender Diversity project, showing how the community of volunteers that runs the Wikidata knowledge base has handled the complex issue of representing gender data for more than eight million people. We discuss the significance of our results for DH projects beyond Wikidata.

The Possibility Space of Subject Positions, with Reference to Online Extremism

Miller, Ben (1); Mehran, Weeda (2); Herron, Stephen (3)

1: Emory University, United States of America; 2: Exeter University, UK; 3: Queen's University Belfast, UK

Building on the literature of social identity construction and online radicalization, this study explores how semantic role labeling and random forest feature importance methods can reveal the possibility space of the subject positions internatlized by the radicalized.