Dealing with Uncertainty in Digital History Research - Reflections on the Research Data Process
Freyberg, Linda (1); Schwandt, Silke (2); Windhager, Florian (3); Panagiotidou, Georgia (4); Kräutli, Florian (5); Hiltmann, Torsten (6)
1: DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Inf. in Education, Germany; 2: Bielefeld University, Germany; 3: Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Austria; 4: King's College London, University College London, United Kingdom; 5: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 6: Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
HTML XMLThe panel addresses the phenomenon of uncertainty especially for historical research and discusses strategies to deal with this issue along the research data process including 1. Conceptual & theoretical foundations, 2. Data collection & curation, 3. Data processing & modeling, 4. Visualizing, encoding & representing uncertainty and 5. Communicating uncertainty.