Exploring New Frontiers of Multimodal Digital Humanities
Chair: Moro, Jeffrey

The End of Black Boxes: Traceability and Transparency in Humanities Research

Burge, Caitlin; Takats, Sean

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

We explore we designed software in response to the challenge of black boxes. Can we create a research environment that is self-documenting, as well as encourage critical reflection? Are black boxes inevitable, do they serve a necessary purpose, or is it time to move beyond this stale metaphor?

Using Prisoner Artworks in 3D as an innovative multimodal entry point to engaging with Heritage of Nazi Persecution

Hall, Chris (1); Stiassny, Noga (2); Grebe, Anja (3); López Carral, Héctor (4); Kortholt, Bas (5); Jänicke, Stefan (6)

1: Chris Hall Design, Denmark; 2: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; 3: University of Continuing Education Krems, Austria; 4: Radboud University, Netherlands; 5: Memorial Centre Camp Westerbork, Netherlands; 6: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Prisoner testimonies exist in written form such as letters, diaries, and transcripts of oral histories. By using the large corpus of “visual testimonies” in the form of artworks created during the Holocaust, this project aims to generate an engaging and immersive experience, transforming 2D images of artworks into 3D models.