Historias situadas y herramientas computacionales: repensando en lugar de los trabajadores en el parlamento argentino de mitad del siglo XX desde la historia digital
Rodriguez Cordeu, Joaquin
CITRA-CONICET, Argentine Republic
En este trabajo intento contribuir a una discusión sobre cómo las herramientas computacionales (análisis de redes, mineria de textos y procesamiento de lenguaje natural) pueden ayudar a reconsiderar algunos de los temas más clásicos del campo historiográfico, en este caso, la historia de la clase obrera y su participacion politica.
Decoding Gender in Digital Humanities Datasets: A Critical Quantitative Perspective
Poggel, Lisa (1); Illmer, Viktor J. (1); Lange, Aleksandr (2); Junginger, Pauline (3); Pulas, Zeynep Ecem (4)
1: Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2: University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 3: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany; 4: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany
Despite increased attention, critical engagement with gender data in the Digital Humanities remains limited. This contribution investigates gender data in DH projects, assessing gender categories, provenance, and structuredness. Emphasising conscious and transparent decision-making, we encourage DH projects to avoid unquestioned use of binary gender categories and advocate for comprehensive provenance documentation.
Reinventing Cultural Analytics Curriculum: Identifying Core Competencies and Sequencing for Multiple Constituencies
Lavin, Matthew
Denison University, United States of America
HTML XMLCultural analytics is a multidisciplinary endeavor comprised of stakeholders in humanities, social sciences, and computer & information sciences. Failing to recognize this dynamic has made it difficult to formalize CA training and field entry. This paper discusses establishing core competencies, sequencing, and processes to reconcile clashes among stakeholders.