Text Analysis Tools and Infrastructure in 2024 and Beyond
Chair: Pinche, Ariane

Text Analysis Tools and Infrastructure in 2024 and Beyond

Browne, Jeremy (1); Brown, Susan (2); Croxall, Brian (1); Dzubak, Jason (1); Jakacki, Diane (3); Kleinman, Scott (4); Rockwell, Geoffrey (5); Tasovac, Toma (6); Wilde, Lauryn (1)

1: Brigham Young University, United States of America; 2: University of Guelph, Canada; 3: Bucknell University, United States of America; 4: California State University, Northridge, United States of America; 5: University of Alberta, Canada; 6: DARIAH-EU

Representatives from LEAF-Writer, Lexos, Voyant Tools, SSH Open Marketplace, and WordCruncher explain how they support DH students and researchers today, and how they can continue that support moving forward. This panel is "flipped": The papers are available at https://odh.byu.edu/dh2024/ , and the panel session will be a discussion and Q&A.